For our first Christmas as a married couple, R.J. and I have compiled a list of twelve Christmas-related dates to celebrate the season and enjoy the holidays together.
I can't take credit for the idea. I ran across this new tradition on Pinterest from
Michelle over at Dream Home DIY. However, we've made it our own and added a few twists and turns. Here's our list of dates (in no particular order):
Date 1: Black Friday Shopping
Date 2: See a Christmas play
Date 3: Sleep under the lights and watch the "Grinch Who Stole Christmas"
Date 4: Make ornaments
Date 5: Bake holiday cookies
Date 6: Christmas light-seeing
Date 7: Christmas movie marathon
Date 8: Cook a holiday dinner
Date 9: Newnan Christmas Parade
Date 10: Paint Christmas pottery
Date 11: Make a gingerbread house
Date 12: Christmas giving
First up on our list was Black Friday shopping! I have always wanted to go Black Friday shopping. I know, I'm crazy. I finally talked R.J. into it. We racked up and saved a nice chunk of change. The first stop was at Target where we found the lengthy line below. We waited for just under an hour with my mom and sister.
Line at Target on Thanksgiving night |
We also staked out Old Navy until it opened and raided Belk's after that. We literally shopped until we dropped from 8 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. By the time we got home with our bags full of Christmas treasures, we were red-eyed and delirious.
However, after we got up Friday morning, we went back out to face the madness again! This time we ventured to Petsmart (for Bentley, of course!), Office Max and Office Depot.
Shopping at Petsmart for the fur baby! |
Will we do Black Friday next year? I'm not sure yet. If so, there will definitely be a nap between turkey eating next year!
Our Black Friday stash!
What date is next? Stick around and find out! Until then, you should definitely be looking out for my Cyber Monday post! *hint**hint* ;)
Love always,
**Would you and your significant other like to participate in the 12 Dates of Christmas also? We'd love to have you join us! Be sure to grab a button and link back. I'd also love to see the links to your posts in the comment section. I might just feature a few of them. :) **